Earlier than expected, concert halls in Northrine-Westfalia will be able to open their doors again as early as June – of course under strict anti-infection precautions. We want to use this chance and are working flat out to save as many as possible of our concerts scheduled for June and July. At the moment we still have to ask for your patience, but in the course of the coming week we will surely know more!
During the current concert-free period, however, we do not want to leave you without your Ruhr Piano Festival: our DIGITAL RUHR PIANO FESTIVAL delivers music directly to your home. Thus you can experience video and sound documents of recent concerts. Currently you can listen to Joseph Moog with paraphrases and arrangements from operas by Richard Wagner and Giuseppe Verdi!
© 2025 Klavier-Festival Ruhr Sponsoring und Service GmbH | Alfred Herrhausen Haus | Brunnenstraße 8 | 45128 Essen
Your favourite concert is already sold out? Please register yourself on the waiting list. If there is a chance for tickets, we will contact you!
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