Di. 25. June '24 18:00 Uhr
Duisburg Mercatorhalle


Education Presentation


€ 10 | 8 (reduced) | 4 (children)

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Arcadi Volodos auf dem Klavierfestival Ruhr 2020

Pupils from Duisburg-Marxloh (Dance & Music)
Lorenzo Soulès
Veronique de Raedemaeker (Violin)
Roger Morelló Ros (Violoncello)

Dmitri Shostakovich Piano Trio No. 2 in E minor op. 67
and works by other composers



The Ruhr Piano Festival has been pursuing two goals for years in its cross-school projects in Duisburg-Marxloh: enabling equal encounters and creating sustainable connections.

At the center of this year’s project is the second piano trio by the Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich – a gripping work composed in the war year 1944, carrying the entire range of human emotions. Under the direction of choreographer Yasha Wang and set designer Sven Hansen, more than 100 children and teenagers have been engaging with the music of the Russian composer since February, developing a cross-school choreography, and creating stage elements. The impressive result of their collaboration will be presented together with a piano trio led by Lorenzo Soulès on the main stage of the Mercatorhalle. Additionally, choreographies and musical pieces created as part of the primary school activities of the Ruhr Piano Festival will be showcased. They were developed under the guidance of Petra Jebavy, Erika Pico, Bianca Pulungan, and Jutta Sabel.

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47051 Duisburg
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Lorenzo Soulès

The French pianist Lorenzo Soulès was born in Lyon within a family of musicians and started the piano at the early age of three. Aged 9, he entered the Conservatoire Supérieur de Paris CRR in the class of Olivier Gardon, before continuing his studies with Pierre-Laurent Aimard and Tamara Stefanovich at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln, where he graduated with distinction. Between 2006 and 2009, he took lessons with Alicia de Larrocha with whom he worked on the complete Iberia cycle by Albeniz.


Veronique De Raedemaeker

Veronique De Raedemaeker ist eine belgische Violinistin, die in Köln lebt. Im Jahr 2023 absolvierte sie ihr Konzertexamendiplom mit summa cum laude, nachdem sie bei den Professoren Alissa Margulis, Barnabás Kelemen, Philippe Graffin und Mikhail Ovrutsky in Antwerpen, Brüssel und Köln studiert hatte. Sie ist Preisträgerin mehrerer nationaler und internationaler Violin- und Kammermusikwettbewerbe, darunter Young Belgian Talent, Internationaler Violinwettbewerb Kloster Schöntal und Vieuxtemps Concours. Veronique wurde durch musikalische Begegnungen mit Ivry Gitlis, Julia Fischer, Teodor Currentzis, Vilde Frang und András Keller inspiriert.


Roger Morelló Ros

Roger Morelló Ros (b. Catalonia 1993) is a committed, expressive and highly imaginative cellist, with a great ability to connect with others that makes him a channel of communication that unites creator, creation and audience. He creates experiences that convey his passion, authenticity and spontaneity, appealing to both audiences and organizers from all over the world, in concert halls such as the Philarmonie Berlin, Palau de la Música Catalana, Pau Casals Auditorium or Casa Milà (Gaudí’s building in Barcelona), where he was an Artist in Residence during the 2018/19 season.



2007 wurde mit der neu eröffneten Mercatorhalle Duisburg im CityPalais in zentraler Lage ein anspruchsvoller Konzertsaal mit 1.700 Plätzen geschaffen, der sich durch puren Hörgenuss auszeichnet....




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